Solution to reduce the risk of muscular-skeletal injuries
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Exosquelette SYMBO protège votre dos des risques de TMS



Handle your tools effortlessly!
Protect your back from the risks of MSDs!


Handle your tools effortlessly!


Protect your back from the risks of MSDs!

Our mission

RB3D’s mission is to facilitate the efforts made by human workers who perform arduous jobs.

We want to contribute to the challenge of reducing musculoskeletal disorders. MSDs represent a human challenge, because of the suffering caused to the people concerned, and also a financial challenge because of the very high cost to collective social protection and companies.

For this reason, RB3D designs and offers a wide range of equipment to assist efforts, in particular cobots and exoskeletons.

Our ambition is to become a benchmark for these solutions in all business sectors or jobs involving significant and repeated physical effort: logistics, construction, agriculture, industry, etc.
Batiment RB3D - Exosquelettes / Manipulateurs cobotiques

RB3D solutions


We roll out a complete methodology to accompany the ergonomic improvement of workstations.
This methodology is based on  INRS and CARSAT recommendations, and supplemented by our engineering know-how. In collaborative work, based on the discovery and ergonomic assessment of the existing situation, we conceive, model and design the equipment necessary to make your workstation less harmful.

and development

In addition to ergonomics, our main expertise is in the engineering and design of mechatronic effort-assist systems. Our engineering capabilities enable us to handle turnkey projects from the preliminary design to installation.
At RB3D your orders are processed in project mode with a dedicated manager who will be your main contact. This project manager is responsible for quality, cost and deadlines and will keep you regularly informed of the progress of your project.

and maintenance

Except in special cases, we install the equipment we produce. Our assembly team travels to the site and manages its project autonomously in accordance with the site rules.
We then provide maintenance and after-sales service for the equipment, in the form of a one-off service or a maintenance contract.


Our range of exoskeletons (Exoback and Exoviti) and collaborative robots (4A3506A10) is marketed by our sales team.
After assessing your needs, we will offer you a trial on site or at RB3D, to find together the best technical and commercial answer to your ergonomic problems.

Exoskeletons to prevent MSDs

An exoskeleton is a mechanical device, motorised or not, connected to the human body to assist it in carrying out a task.

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) are disorders of the musculoskeletal system that often originate in the workplace. They generally manifest in pains or discomforts of varying degrees of intensity that occur almost daily. The parts of the body most at risk of developing this type of pathology are the back, shoulders, neck and wrist; MSDs are by far the leading cause of compensated occupational illness in France. In the industrial sectors, such as metallurgy, construction and public works or logistics, certain jobs are subject to significant physical, postural and repetitive strain, which are major risk factors for developing MSDs.

To combat this major occupational health problem, it makes sense to integrate exoskeletons into the day-to-day operation of these high-risk jobs. Indeed, this involves providing physical assistance to the employees in the performance of their work by reducing their efforts or increasing their motor capacities. An exoskeleton does not in any way diminish the user’s autonomy or mobility; it supports the posture, provides assistance in handling heavy objects or carrying out a task.

A passive or mechanical exoskeleton does not use an external energy source; such an exoskeleton is generally made up of springs and shock absorbers that retrieve the energy of the movements and then restore it during movements. The active or motorised exoskeleton, on the other hand, is equipped with electric motors that allow the body to move thanks to an analysis of the user’s intention.
6A10, le meulage optimisé

6A10, optimized grinding

As we saw previously, 6A10 grinding cobot has a very advanced control system. However, so much technology...